simply de·lish

As a final project, we were to develop an application that helps and aids students at UH Manoa to have a better and easier experience in finding meals available on campus. Not only does this application helps students in finding a meal, but it as well can personally tailor to the students tastes and tell when that meal is available.

For this project, I was responsible for the landing page and the user home page as well. To begin designing and planning out how I wanted the landing page to look, I began making rough sketches and looking at different websites for inspiration. From here I began putting together a website design using Illustrator, to better visualize the look that I wanted to achieve for the site. After making numerous drafts, I finally came to a look that I liked and made it the overall theme of the application. Using Illustrator, I as well created a vector design of an almost seamless pattern of food, to be used as the background of the logo, simply delish. Once I was finished with this I chose out colors to have as the color scheme of this site. After getting these designs done, I created a user home page inspired from the landing. With these drafts, I developed the pages using HTML and CSS, then later JSX. As a bonus detail, I as well added an automatic slider carousel using CSS, to elevate the look. Through the remaining part of the project, I as well took on the role of designing the layout of each of the pages, and essentially making them look ‘pretty.’

Being apart of this project, helped me to become familar to javascript, and the ability to work in a group. With communication we were able to successfully work together and complete this project.

More details and information on the application here: simply delish